Interface MultimeasureRestRenderOptions


  • MultimeasureRestRenderOptions


line?: number

Vertical position of the rest line or symbols, expressed as stave lines. Default: 2. The top stave line is 1, and the bottom stave line is 5.

line_thickness?: number

Thickness of the rest line. Used when use_symbols is false. Defaults to half the space between stave lines.

number_glyph_point?: number

Font size of the "number of measures" text.

number_line?: number

Vertical position of the "number of measures" text (measured in stave lines). Defaults to -0.5, which is above the stave. 6.5 is below the stave.

number_of_measures: number

Extracted by Factory.MultiMeasureRest() and passed to the MultiMeasureRest constructor.

padding_left?: number

Left padding from stave.getX().

padding_right?: number

Right padding from stave.getX() + stave.getWidth()

semibreve_rest_glyph_scale?: number

Size of the semibreve (1-bar) rest symbol. Other symbols are scaled accordingly.

serif_thickness?: number

Thickness of the rest line's serif. Used when use_symbols is false.

show_number?: boolean

Show the number of measures at the top. Defaults to true.

spacing_between_lines_px?: number

Defaults to the number of vertical pixels between stave lines. Used for serif height or 2-bar / 4-bar symbol height.

symbol_spacing?: number

Horizontal spacing between rest symbol glyphs (if use_symbols is true).

use_symbols?: boolean

Use rest symbols. Defaults to false, which renders a thick horizontal line with serifs at both ends.